Monday, November 26, 2007
Missin Ya
Friday was good, we had our first retreat in 3 weeks and they were pretty cool. It was an Islamic School group from Edmonton of about 100 or so students and teachers. Lots of fun to have kids around again. I missed the noise. Plus I had Geoff come and help me this weekend which I really appreciated. As well Andrea Medgett from my church in Calgary came to see Geoff but also ended up helping and subsequently staying the night, so that was rad.
Saturday was sooooo long. But not as long as the teachers from the groups was. I got up at 5:30 am to start my day in the kitchen. They were just going to sleep from the leaders meeting after the kids went to bed at 5:30 am, then they had to be up at 7:30. Crazyness! But yeah everything went well and the kids seemed to enjoy everything which was awesome. The only downpoint came when we discovered one of the Cats (the mom we think) was on the verge of dying. So I stayed up with it all night trying to keep it comfortable, but it was so sad. Then around lunch time on Sunday the poor thing passed away. It was pretty heartbreaking but there wasn't much we could do. At least she died relatively comfortably. But then my weekend ended well with having a phone date with Sammy. So all in all it was a pretty good weekend.
Today was good too. I decided that I'm gonna stay at Gull Lake till the end of February. I was hoping for sooner, but now I have a date which is relieving.
Well thats it for now, tomorrow I'll give you more of a better thought out blogpost, but I'm done for tonight. Dont forget to check out my podcast on Itunes. Later yall, One love.
The Second
Now you can download the podcast off of iTunes. I just got it approved on Friday. But also you can always listen on the cast site: Here is this weeks playlist.
Boys Noize – Let’s Buy Happiness
Kelis – Milkshake
Annie – Heartbeat (Phones Maximo Remix)
Caribou (aka
Cassius feat. Ghostface Killah and Mike Skinner – Thrilla (Streets Remix)
Ian Pooley – Chord Memory (Daft Punk Remix)
Armand Van Helden – You Don’t Even Know Me/I’ve Been Looking For You
Britney Spears – Toxic (Armand Van Helden Remix)
DJ Million Dollar Snake Babies – My Collerbone (Fujiya & Miyagi VS B.E.P. Mashup)
DJ Tripp – MSTRFRG (MSTRKRFT VS Fergie Mashup)
The Gossip – Listen Up! (MSTRKRFT Remix)
Sebastien Grainger – When U Go Out (Mercurius FM Lovers Remix)
Mr Oizo – Nazis (Justice Remix)
Justice feat. Uffie – The Party (Remix)
Uffie – Ready To Uff!
Tellier, Mr. Ozio, Sebastian - Skatesteak
Thanks so much for listening and if you ever want to request a song just send me and email. Next week I'm gonna play some hip-hop, but not your everyday commercial stuff. I hope you'll like it.
One Love.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
I'm very sad that things didn't work out here. This was supposed to be my dream job. But I learned very quickly that I lacked the experience, knowledge and sadly the determination to get it done. This was I feel the right job, but just the wrong time. I feel that it was in the best interest of not only myself but also of the camps that I step aside, because when I started I made a commitment that Gull Lake would have second to none food services. I have not achieved that, and I know that I will not achieve it. It's just a little more than I can handle.
I am very thankful for the opportunity. I discovered that I can make mistakes and learn from them. I learned that I'm very teachable and that I can take criticism. Its pretty exciting, which is a good thing, cause I haven't been excited about something in a long time.
Thats all for now. One Love.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Oh Its On Like Donkey Kong!
It's available for free on iTunes - just search Dirrty Needles and subscribe. You can also get it on my podcast site:
Heres the playlist from this weeks Episode.
Justice - Genesis
Justice - Let There Be Light
Spiller - Groovejet
Simian Mobile Disco - Hustler
Riot In Belgium - La Musique (Adam Sky Remix)
Patrick Johnson - Rick ???
MSTRKRFT - Bodywork
MSTRKRFT - Neon Knights
Justice - The Party
Justice - DVNO
Justice - Stress
Digitalism - Homezone
Digitalism - Apollo-Gize
Digitalism - Jupiter Approach/Room
Chemise - She Cant Love You
Thony Ritz - So Good
Mr. Flash - Disco Dynamite
Sebastian - Greel
If you want to request a song for next week or give me any feedback just comment or email me.
Listen Wisely and One Love!
Stay Tuned!
The podcast will usually bring you the best in electro-house with a little funk, folk, soul, reggae, dub, hiphop, breaks, R n B, afro-beat, bossa-nova, jazz, 80's dance, disco, garage, 2-step, experimental, and whatever else I really enjoy at the moment thrown in just for shits and giggles. I'll be making new episodes every monday starting tonight. It'll be available for free download on Itunes by tommorow and on my podcast site ( along with playlists. I will also post the playlist here in this blog. I'm really looking forward to sharing some new music with you. Music is my favourite thing in the entire world.
One Love
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Rough Around The Edges
Today I got to see Bree, Carissa Lynn, and Kristen. It was great to see them. I dont get many visitors due to my close proximity to the middle of freaking nowhere. So hint hint guys, I could use more house guests in the RC!
This is me in my most nerdy state. Dont you love it when you see a movie for the second time when you notice so many different things then you did the first time?
Thats all I got, I'm not very creative today. I'll have more good stuff tomorrow I promise. Night yall. One Love!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Floor Hockey
I'm putting my very sore floor hockey bones into bed. One love.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Sammy drove home last night and I'm relasping on my cold which is bumming me out. But I've been able to give some good advice, cheer some people up, and made a good lunch which all in all made me forget about being sad and sick. It put me in a frame of remembering the good things in life.
Most things in life are temporary, especially feelings. So it is pretty much an exercise in futility to dwell on things that are negative. Even if good feelings are only temporary too, savour them while you can, I cant speak for you, but they've been documented as making me a more pleasant person.
Until tommorow, or the next time. One love.
In the dumps today? Maybe this will help!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Treat Your Mother Right

This is soooooooo freaking funny. Click on the picture for a hilarious video.
Also try this on for size...........!
Bow To Your Sensei!
Thanks to great games by Ryan Smyth and Paul Stastny I beat my opponent this week 8-2. (sorry Braden, better luck next time.) So I'm still undefeated. Holla!
The keys to success in fantasy hockey is boosting areas where you are lacking (ie: your +/- rating, GAA, etc) and finding players that will boost those numbers for you. Also keep an eye on healthy scratch reports, meaning the players that get benched for weak performance. Nine times out of Ten if a player gets benched or called out by his coach and or teammates, they will respond next game with a stronger performance. Cause hey, everyones gotta pay the Mortgage and you certainly cant do that sitting on your ass.
Brandon Webber I look forward to handing you your ass this week.
Peace again till tomorrow. One Love!
It's A Future Shock
Sammy comes in 1 more day.
This is huge, I've been waiting for a long time to get some one on one Sammy time, this is really going to lift my spirits up I think. This is better than my vacation for me.
Brian Is: Feelin Superfly.
Only because I'm listening to Curtis Mayfield.
Did you know?:
- That he played the guitar, bass, saxophone, piano, and drums. All Self-taught!
- Jimi Hendrix opened for Curtis Mayfield and the Impressions in 1962 and Jimi blew up his amp.
- Curtis was paralysed from the neck down in 1990 when a piece of lighting equipment fell on him. He continued to write music despite not being about to play any instruments.
-He was partner in 3 separate record labels (Mayfield, Windy C, and Curtom) in the 70's and was instrumental in starting the careers of Chaka Khan, Herbie Hancock, Gladys Knight and the Pips and of course Jimi Hendrix.
Brian Is: The Fantasy Hockey King
That's right 5-0-1 so far. I cant be stopped.
Brian Is: The Bootleg King
I've become quite good now at finding songs you wont find anywhere else but online. I love it
Here's a few.
1. MITCH feat. Uffie/Feadz
2. MSTRKRFT vs Fergie
3. Sebastien Grainger
4. Annie
These links might die, but just email me if you really want them.
Thanks Yall, I'm Back Tomorrow, One Love.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Shame On The Ninja
But first you need to get to know who I am, and what better way then by one of my favourite Facebook guilty pleasures....ah yeah thats right the dreaded survey. This one is the most rescent one that I've filled out so far. I've added some links for some of my answers.
200: Full name: Brian Merritt
199. I was born on: Rocktober 17, 1984
198. I am really: Bored
197. My cell phone company is: Telus
196. My eye color is: Green-Blue
195. My shoe size is: 10
194. My ring size is: Not sure never wore a ring before
193. My height is: 5'8ish
192. I am allergic to: Outdoor stuff
191. I was born in: a ring of fire!!!
190. I live in: Gull Lake
189. The last book I read: 1984 again.
188. My bed is: Ikea
187: One thing you hate about yourself: That I'm not always happy.
179. My favorite Holiday is: Dont really have one so I'll say St Jean de Baptiste.
178. The perfect kiss is: Spontaneous
177. The last three cd's you bought: Beirut, Caribou, Mos Def
176. Last song that made me cry was: There hasn't been a first song to make me cry yet.
175. Are you single or taken?: Gladly Taken!
170. What did you do last night?: Played on the net downloading songs and watched a movie.
::I Do (YES)/Do Not (NO) Believe In:
142. Love at first sight?: No
141. Luck?: No
140. Fate?: No
139. Yourself?: Yes
::Which is Better?::
129. Hugs or Kisses?: Hugs
128. Drunk or High: Drunk, better things happen when I'm drunk.
127. Phone or Online: Online
126. Red heads or Black hair: Tough one I like both
125. Blondes or Brunettes: No preference I like both as well
124. Hot or cold: Hot.
123. Summer or winter: Summer
121. Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
120. Night or Day: Night
119. Oranges or Apples: Apples
118. Curly or Straight hair: I wish I had curly hair, but its not a big deal for me.
::Here's What I Think About::
116. Abortion: Against
115. Backstabbers: Personally I prefer frontstabbers cause then I can anticipate the attack, but if I had my way I would like more foot stabbers, you dont really need you feet.
114. Parents: Miss em
::Last time I::
103. Went out of town: Went to Montreal
102. Had food: This afternoon. Popcorn
101. Saw someone I haven't seen in a while: In Montreal.
100. Cried in front of someone: I dont remember
99. Grew: 15ish
90. Who is the ditziest person you know: Shelley, and she doesn't have Facebook so I cant get in trouble for saying that.
89. Who makes you laugh the most: Alain, Adel, Sammy,Spencer, Chris,etc
87.The last movie I watched: Waiting....again
82. What I don't understand is: Why I keep doing these stupid surveys.
80. The most unsatisfactory answer I've ever received is: 'Cause your an asshole thats why?'
75. Something I will really miss when I leave home is: Chairman Meow and Purr Mixalot!
74. The thing that I'm looking forward to the most: Sammy coming on Monday.
74. The thing that I'm not looking forward to is: Sammy not being here on Wednesday
73. Tomorrow: Sunday
72. Today: Saturday
71. Next Summer: MTL
70. Next Week: Back to work
67. People call me: They do???? I should answer one time.
66. Do you have any regrets?: Not really
65. What are you afraid of?: Clowns and Birds. long story
64. Who do you miss?: Sammy, All of my friends in Calgary, Edmonton, Montreal, elsewhere, My Mom, My Grandma, everyone basically.
63. Are you truly happy? I'm getting there.
62. The person who knows the most about me is: Grandma
60. The most difficult thing to do is: Forget something bad.
59. I have gotten a speeding ticket: Yes more than one in fact.
56. My zodiac sign is: Libra I think.
55. The first person I talked to today was: Shaun briefly.
54. First time you had a crush: Grade 5 Ewa
53. The one person who you can't hide things from: Grandma
52. Last time someone said something that you were thinking?: No idea
51. Right now I am talking to: No one at the moment.
50. What is your dream job ?: Musician better yet a Rockstar!
49. First job ?: Drug store cashier.
48. I have/will get a job at? Gull Lake
47. I have these pets: Chairman Meow and Purr MixAlot!
46. I hope: I can move to Calgary sooner rather than later.
45. The worst sound in the world: Police sirens.
44. The person that makes me cry the most is: no one.
35. Florida or Hawaii: Hawaii
33. My favorite item of clothing is: Hoodie
32. My favorite sport is: Hockey or Soccer.
30. My friends are: Awesome
29. My computer is: Alright I guess.
28. The school I go to is: Non existant.
27. Last person I got mad at: I dont remember.
22. The all-time best movie is: Way to many.
21. The all-time best thing in the world is: Music
18. The most annoying person you know is: Eric but I love ya anyway.
17. I lose all respect for people who: Are stupid, ignorant
16. The movies I have cried at are: N/A
15. Closest friends’ name: Alain, Sammy, Chris, Spencer, April, Jeff, Shelly, Katrina, Scott, Ken and Dori, etc
13. Favorite web site: Facebook, Hype Machine, Yahoo
12. I want to be: Happy
11. The worst pain I was ever in was?: When I hurt my back in 99.
10. My favorite word is: Awesome
9. My room is: Tidy
8. My favorite celebrity is: Dane Cook.
5. My weakness is: Candy
4. What I like about the opposite sex: They are better looking than me.
3. Who broke your heart: Lots of people.
2. One thing that makes you feel great is: Being with my friends.
1. You filled out 200 questions because: I was bored.
You've had enough? I'll be back tommorow suckas. With some music perhaps.