Saturday, November 17, 2007

Rough Around The Edges

Dane Cook is the man. His new album is pretty good. It's live from MSG in New York. I love his style. He is very descriptive. Even though he is very crude, I can learn alot from him. I know I'm not the most exciting guy in the world, but when you add details to a story and lots of them, your suddenly more interesting.

Today I got to see Bree, Carissa Lynn, and Kristen. It was great to see them. I dont get many visitors due to my close proximity to the middle of freaking nowhere. So hint hint guys, I could use more house guests in the RC!

This is me in my most nerdy state. Dont you love it when you see a movie for the second time when you notice so many different things then you did the first time?

Thats all I got, I'm not very creative today. I'll have more good stuff tomorrow I promise. Night yall. One Love!


April said...

Dane Cook IS the man. I have been hooked on the "shows" you put on my iPod. Hope you're doing well, peace.

Alain said...

Dane Cook is certainly the shizznit.