Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Whenever you feel in the dumps. The best way to get yourself out is by giving yourself without expectation of anything in return.

Sammy drove home last night and I'm relasping on my cold which is bumming me out. But I've been able to give some good advice, cheer some people up, and made a good lunch which all in all made me forget about being sad and sick. It put me in a frame of remembering the good things in life.

Most things in life are temporary, especially feelings. So it is pretty much an exercise in futility to dwell on things that are negative. Even if good feelings are only temporary too, savour them while you can, I cant speak for you, but they've been documented as making me a more pleasant person.

Until tommorow, or the next time. One love.

In the dumps today? Maybe this will help!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good post, Brian.
You make some excellent points, and that energy drink commercial was great