Monday, November 26, 2007

Missin Ya

Hey guys, sorry it's been a while since I posted. The weekends around here get crazy busy when we have a retreat, and I cant always find time to right out my thoughts, but I'm here now. I had an interesting weekend let me tell you about it.

Friday was good, we had our first retreat in 3 weeks and they were pretty cool. It was an Islamic School group from Edmonton of about 100 or so students and teachers. Lots of fun to have kids around again. I missed the noise. Plus I had Geoff come and help me this weekend which I really appreciated. As well Andrea Medgett from my church in Calgary came to see Geoff but also ended up helping and subsequently staying the night, so that was rad.

Saturday was sooooo long. But not as long as the teachers from the groups was. I got up at 5:30 am to start my day in the kitchen. They were just going to sleep from the leaders meeting after the kids went to bed at 5:30 am, then they had to be up at 7:30. Crazyness! But yeah everything went well and the kids seemed to enjoy everything which was awesome. The only downpoint came when we discovered one of the Cats (the mom we think) was on the verge of dying. So I stayed up with it all night trying to keep it comfortable, but it was so sad. Then around lunch time on Sunday the poor thing passed away. It was pretty heartbreaking but there wasn't much we could do. At least she died relatively comfortably. But then my weekend ended well with having a phone date with Sammy. So all in all it was a pretty good weekend.

Today was good too. I decided that I'm gonna stay at Gull Lake till the end of February. I was hoping for sooner, but now I have a date which is relieving.

Well thats it for now, tomorrow I'll give you more of a better thought out blogpost, but I'm done for tonight. Dont forget to check out my podcast on Itunes. Later yall, One love.


Chris said...

miss you too. i like reading your blog.

Unknown said...

Glad to hear you've got an actual date to return, mang.

Sounds wicked.